Two Years of ObamaCare False Promises, Worse Harm to Come

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.,

Two years ago, on March 23, 2010, the new healthcare law was signed into being so that “we could all see what is in the bill,” as Nancy Pelosi promised. Other promises repeated over and over by its backers and the media: “You can keep your doctor.” “The new law will bend the cost curve downwards.” “Health insurance will be more affordable.” “No one will have to violate his/her conscience.” “The new law will not add to the deficit.”

Two years have given us time to see what’s in the bill. It is an ugly picture indeed. The promises all turned out to be empty rhetoric. Worse than just false promises, however, are the actual harms already done, and worse harms on the way.

Since Sir Thomas Sydenham in the 1600s, medicine’s tradition has been “First, do no harm.” If a “treatment” may cause more damage than doing nothing, it is often better to do nothing.

Instead, this bill does more of harmful things. The federal government has been put in charge of every medical decision that exists:

  • type of insurance you must purchase OR pay a penalty,
  • what the insurance must pay for,
  • what insurance can cost,
  • what medical specialists will be reimbursed and at what rates,
  • what treatments are allowed, and for whom, at what age,
  • what medical screening tests are approved or not approved,
  • who may or may not own hospitals,
  • what taxes are imposed on individuals, businesses, medical device makers, and pharmaceutical companies.

Some harms have already happened:

  • Health insurance premiums up 9% in 2010, another 9% in 2011, and more increases ahead;
  • Loss of patients’ privacy and control of their personal medical records, when the Secretary of Health and Human Services ruled in October 2011 that all private medical insurance companies must send all patient data to Washington’s central database—without the patient’s permission;
  • Jobs lost and new ones not created because employers cannot afford higher premiums to pay for all of the “free” services the government now requires;
  • Medicare facing cuts of $500 billion to pay for medical care for younger people in Medicaid;
  • Loss of medical specialists in many fields due to fee cuts;
  • Higher taxes on medical devices, which in turn are passed on to consumers;
  • A massive increase in the projected deficit as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now has doubled the estimate of cost it gave before the bill was passed.

The “Affordable Care Act” is not affordable at all: it is now estimated to cost $1.76 trillion over the next decade, adding markedly to the U.S. debt.

More harms are still to come. Doctors will be driven out of business by costly new rules. Insurance companies will close because they can’t cover the new mandates. Private options for medical care and health insurance won’t exist. New drugs and treatments will not be developed because of more taxes and regulations. Rationing of care will begin as costs rise, budgets are depleted, and fewer doctors are there to see patients.

In the ultimate hypocrisy, the President, who has forbidden Catholics and others to exercise their own right of conscience in choosing the insurance they provide, is now, according to the New York Times, using taxpayer dollars for “an aggressive campaign…to build support for the new healthcare law…(with) a prayer vigil…outside the Supreme Court…beginning March 26.”

Government-controlled medicine is a singular threat to Americans’ liberty and tradition of religious and medical freedom. Currently, about 49 percent of Americans depend on some type of federal government benefit. With the new healthcare law, it will be 100 percent of Americans dependent on the government.

The 2010 healthcare law is a massive power grab to control your money, your medical treatment options, your businesses, your liberty, and ultimately your life. If government-controlled healthcare is allowed to stand, it is the end of freedom in America.

It is time for the new law to die before it kills American medicine, American patients, American liberty, and the American economy. Instead, we need true reform that puts the power and freedom back into the hands of patients and their physicians.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is a preventive and climacteric medicine specialist with medical practices in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX that take an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical and hormonal problems. Dr. Vliet is also President of International Health Strategies, Ltd., whose mission is twofold: liberty and privacy in treatment options and preservation of the Oath of Hippocrates focus on the individual patient. Dr. Vliet is the 2007 recipient of the Voice of Women award from the Arizona Foundation for Women for her pioneering advocacy for the overlooked hormone connections in women’s health. Dr. Vliet received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, then completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Vliet is a Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Vliet has appeared on FOX NEWS, Cavuto, Stuart Varney Show, Fox and Friends and syndicated radio shows across the country addressing the economic and medical impact of the new healthcare bill. Dr. Vliet’s books include: It’s My Ovaries, Stupid!; Screaming To Be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect– And Doctors STILL Ignore; Women, Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS, The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Testosterone. Dr. Vliet’s medical and educational website is

Your Medical Privacy–Another Obamacare Casualty

Color PortraitBy: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.

It was a sad day recently when a married menopausal woman learned that her recent Pap test was positive for human papilloma virus (HPV). “How could this happen?” she asked. “I have not had sex with anyone but my husband since we married 30 years ago.”

Over the past year, her husband had several trips overseas for weeks at the time. She suspected the positive HPV indicated he had been unfaithful, but when she asked him, he said, “Oh, it can be latent for a long time.”

I showed her my records from 2008 and 2009: Paps were HPV negative. Her newly positive HPV likely means her husband had had sex with an infected person during his travels. She broke down weeping.

HPV is an increasingly prevalent sexually transmitted disease that can hit women of all ages and increases the risk of invasive cervical cancer—another reason she was upset about becoming HPV positive. She now faced hard decisions. As she left, I felt sad watching her suffer with the impact of this news on her marriage.

This kind of painful situation happens daily in doctors’ offices. Such personal and private pain should remain between the patient, physician, and family.

My patients are horrified at the idea that such personal health information could be released to a government database, open to anyone with access to the system. But your privacy is another casualty of the damage caused by Obamacare’s new rules and regulations governing health professionals.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released new federal regulation that requires private health insurance companies to give health records of every person they insure to the government.

Although government jargon in the HHS rules distracts from their real goal, the end result is clear: government bureaucrats would have access to the health records from all private insurance companies—including yours—whether you want them to or not.

Under the new rules, the Federal government will own and control your medical records, without your permission. The government will be your new “overlord” controlling your medical information on federal computers in a federal database. You will no longer be able to control who sees your medical information.

The most personal aspects of your life are slated to be sent to Washington by your private insurance carrier for all your medical visits. This provides individual medical data for the federally run Comparative Effectiveness Research coordinating panel of experts. This panel of government-appointed experts, copying the rationing approach in Britain, will decide what treatment is allowed for individuals, based on government criteria such as:

  • cost of treatment
  • effectiveness as determined by government experts
  • your “quality life years” remaining

Beyond privacy issues, there is major concern about safety of your medical information when hackers can penetrate even highly secure federal agency computers such as the Pentagon, VA, and Department of Defense. Hackers stole millions of medical records from the Veterans Administration, and patients were at risk for identity theft.

David Blumenthal, M.D., the President’s former “health information czar,” admitted that “no infrastructure exists in most areas of the country for secure health information exchange among providers and between providers and consumers.”

Medical privacy? The Obama administration’s health czars seem more concerned about power and control over your medical care than protection of your private medical information.

In summary, the Obamacare “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” of 2010 and the “Stimulus Bill” of 2009 gave the federal government total control of very personal aspects of your life:

  • money that is currently in the private healthcare sector
  • your private personal and family health information
  • your access to timely medical care
  • the types of treatment you will be allowed to have, based on your age and value to society

If you value your privacy and freedom to choose your medical treatment, then you need to consider candidates in 2012 who vow to defund, dismantle, and repeal Obamacare. We need patient-centered reform that puts freedom back into our hands as our Founders intended. Ronald Reagan warned: Socialism begins with government control of medicine.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is a preventive and climacteric medicine specialist with medical practices in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX that take an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical and hormonal problems. Dr. Vliet is also President of International Health Strategies, Ltd., whose mission is twofold: liberty and privacy in treatment options and preservation of the Oath of Hippocrates focus on the individual patient.

Dr. Vliet is the 2007 recipient of the Voice of Women award from the Arizona Foundation for Women for her pioneering advocacy for the overlooked hormone connections in women’s health. Dr. Vliet received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, then completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Vliet is a Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr. Vliet has appeared on FOX NEWS, Cavuto, Stuart Varney Show, Fox and Friends and syndicated radio shows across the country addressing the economic and medical impact of the new healthcare bill.

Dr. Vliet’s books include: It’s My Ovaries, Stupid!; Screaming To Be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect– And Doctors STILL Ignore; Women, Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS, The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Testosterone.

Dr. Vliet’s medical and educational website is

Premiums Up, Choices Down: The First Wave of Obamacare

Color PortraitBy Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.,

Kaiser Family Foundation just released further bad news about the poorly named Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”). American families facing a bad economy, high unemployment, and crashing home values now get hit with another cost increase: higher health insurance premiums that are rising more every year.

Obama’s campaign focused on “hope and change,” but I suspect these winds of “change” are ones that most Americans did not “hope” for, did not want, and would like to escape.

Look at the bleak facts:

In 2011, the annual health insurance premium for a family of four was pushed above $15,000 for the first time ever.

The 2011 annual health insurance premium was 31% higher than 2006, and 113% higher than in 2001.

Health insurance premiums were 9% higher in 2011 than in 2010. And the media says there is no inflation? Did your income go up 9% from 2010 to 2011? Not for the vast majority of Americans!

Hurricane Irene wreaked visible damage all along the Eastern seaboard this fall. The damage from Obamacare’s extensive new mandates and regulations is less visible, but no less damaging to individuals, families, businesses, and our overall economy. At least we had warning that Hurricane Irene was coming and could take steps to prepare and protect ourselves. But we were falsely promised that the hurricane named Obamacare would lower costs, improve access to health insurance, and “protect patients.” Even in this earliest stage, with only a fraction of the mandates implemented, we are seeing massive damage.

Obamacare advocates like to blame the “greedy” insurance companies. But most of the blame for higher premiums is directly caused by the Obamacare first wave of mandates and regulations.

As of the fall of 2010, all insurance policies must:

  1. keep adult “children” up to age 26 on parents’ policies,
  2. provide “free” preventive care and screenings for everyone
  3. cover pre-existing medical conditions for children

Adding this coverage unavoidably means the policy will have to cost more.

Obamacare regulations already control practically every decision a private insurance company can make. It is only going to get worse as government “medicrats” micromanage every single aspect of insurance coverage.

When the government gets in the middle, it always costs more. Think hugely inflated prices for solar panels made by Solyndra. Think high-priced toilets when the Pentagon pays. Think $16 dollar muffins for government bureaucrats to eat at government conferences. The government is buying? Triple or quadruple the price!

As health insurance premiums spiral up at this rate, more and more families will be forced away from the private policies and into Medicaid. This is not an “unintended consequence.” The goal of this Administration, as Obama himself has said on tape, is to drive private insurers out of business when people are unable to afford the policies that are “Obamacare-compliant.” The end result is the “public option” of fully socialized medicine that was the intent all along. Obamacare will destroy the private sector in medicine and make people dependent on the federal government, with the federal bureaucrats controlling every aspect of your medical care.

Real reform would put Americans—instead of the government or the insurance company—back in the driver’s seat as patients and savvy consumers. Americans need to take back their rights, including the right to choose how, when, where, and with whom to seek medical care and health insurance. Only then will we see premiums start to decrease.

Patient power. Not government power. What a novel idea!

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is a preventive and climacteric medicine specialist with medical practices in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX that take an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical and hormonal problems. Dr. Vliet is also President of International Health Strategies, Ltd., whose mission is twofold: liberty and privacy in treatment options and preservation of the Oath of Hippocrates focus on the individual patient.

Dr. Vliet is the 2007 recipient of the Voice of Women award from the Arizona Foundation for Women for her pioneering advocacy for the overlooked hormone connections in women’s health. Dr. Vliet received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, then completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Vliet is a Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr. Vliet has appeared on FOX NEWS, Cavuto, Stuart Varney Show, Fox and Friends and syndicated radio shows across the country addressing the economic and medical impact of the new healthcare bill.

Dr. Vliet’s books include: It’s My Ovaries, Stupid!; Screaming To Be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect– And Doctors STILL Ignore; Women, Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS, The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Testosterone.

Dr. Vliet’s medical and educational website is

DISCLAIMER: Dr. Vliet speaks as an independent physician. Dr. Vliet has no financial ties to any health care system, pharmaceutical company, or health insurance plan. Her allegiance and advocacy is to and for patients.