Health Insurance — Clauses That Can Kill You & Sacrifice Your Liberty

©Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD 9-9-12

KVOI Radio: “America’s Fabric”                            September 9, 2012

Hold Harmless Clauses in Health Insurance – Clauses That Can Kill You – and Conflict with America’s Tradition of Economic Freedom                         

Good Morning. I am Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. I am an independent physician in private practice in Tucson and Dallas TX, and the author of several health books for consumers.

My medical website is

My last show focused on the loss of medical and economic freedom if states implement the new “exchanges” required under the 2010 healthcare law. In these exchanges, you will “exchange” Your medical freedom for more government control – whether by the state or by the federal govt. Continue reading

ObamaCare Exchanges Undermine Liberty

The 2010 health care law requires all 50 states to either setup new bureaucracies called health insurance exchanges or else submit to being controlled by a federal exchange. States must reject both of these options. Exchanges will exchange freedom for more government control over personal medical decisions. Arizona State Senator Frank Antenori joins Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD ( to discuss this important topic. From the radio talk show “America’s Fabric” 8/19/2012  — KVOI 1030AM — Tucson, AZ.

How ObamaCare Undermines our Judeo-Christian Traditions

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD of as heard on America’s Fabric, KVOI Tucson on July 1, 2012.

The Supreme Court ruling on the health care law was a victory for progressives who believe government should micromanage every aspect of our lives.  It is a tragic moment, however, for those who believe in the freedoms for which our ancestors fought and died and pledged their sacred honor to defend for as long as they lived.

Celebrating our foremothers whose hard work helped give birth to our freedom.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD was the guest host of America’s Fabric on Mother’s Day 2012. To celebrate Mother’s Day, Dr. Vliet contrasts the independent strong women who worked hard to help build America and nurture freedom for others, with the political campaign featuring helpless “Julia,” whose entire life from early childhood to old age is sustained by government benefits.

A Doctor Speaks Out: 2010 Health Care Law vs. The Constitution & Declaration of Independence

Arizona physician, Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, explains that the new health care law is in direct opposition to our founding documents and abrogates our individual rights. Liberty to decide our own medical care is the very freedom our founders intended when they set the framework to protect us from an over-intrusive government.